Extension of Supply of Freshly Cooked Mid Day Meal
Order Regarding Mid Day Meal
Order Regarding Mid Day Meal
Order Regarding Mid Day Meal
Order Regarding Mid Day Meal
Regarding Constituted a Committee to Open the Sealed Application of EOI
Constituted a Committee to Open the Sealed Application of EOI
Situational Analysis of MDM & Mapping of Factors Affecting MDM in Govt. / Govt. Aided School
Notice to all Existing NGOs/Service Providers of MDM
Notice to all Applicants of EOI from MDM
Immediate Payment of Pending Bills up to the Month of Feb. 2012 to NGOs Supplying MDM in Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
General Instructions for DDEs/EOs/Principals/HOSs Regarding MDM
Guidelines of Utilization of MME Funds at School Level
Providing MDM in Proper Thermostat Tiffin Carrier
Implementation of MDM Scheme / Guidelines
Regarding Penalties Imposed Against the NGOs/Service Providers
Regarding Reply of Half Margin No. 24 Dated 16.12.2011
Implementation of MDM Scheme in Delhi Schools – Inspection Regarding
Monitoring of MDM Scheme in Schools of Delhi
Meeting of Committee to Open the Envelop of Third Party Evaluation
Providing of Student Data for MDM to Delhi School of Economics
Regarding Display of MDM Logo on the Outside Walls of Schools
Opening of Sealed Envelops of EOI and Meeting
Filling Up of Daily MDM Data On-Line in the Module of MDM by all Govt. Schools w.e.f. 1st April, 2011
Regarding Supply of MDM in 2011-12
Revised Monthly MDM Card from the Next Session 2011-12
Revision of Rates of Cooking Cost of MDM in primary & Upper Primary Classes
Regarding Option for MDM from Parents in Next Session 2011-12
Third Party Evaluation of Mid Day Meal Scheme in Delhi
Expression of Interest for Supply of Mid Day Meal
Immediate Payment of Pending Bills up to the Month of Feb. 2011 to NGOs Supplying MDM in Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
Mid Day Meal During Examination Days
Very Low Utilization of Funds of MDM Plan Scheme
Monitoring of MDM Program in Schools of Delhi
Change of Address of Kitchens of MDM Suppliers
Payment of MDM Bills of Govt. Aided Schools
Reminder Regarding Mid Day Meal
Low Utilization of MDM Plan Scheme
Daily Inspection of the School and MDM Kitchen of M/S Indcare Trust
Instructions to HOSs of Govt. / Aided Schools and Revised Format of Cooked MDM Cards
General Instruction in r/o MDM
Steps to be Taken by all Implementing Agencies of MDM Scheme in Delhi for Improvement in the Performance of the Scheme
Reminder to EOs Regarding Submission of MDM Option of MDM Information
Registering Complaints / Grievances / Suggestions Regarding MDM Supply in all Govt. / Aided Schools of DOE and Redressal Thereof
Public Notice: Registering Complaints / Grievances / Suggestions Regarding MDM Supply in all Govt. / Aided Schools of DOE and Redressal Thereof
Issuing of Certificate for Non Lifting of Samples of MDM in May & June, 2010
Inspection of Kitchens of MDM Suppliers by District Level Committees Headed by District DDEs
Daily Menu of MDM in Govt. and Govt. Aided Schools
Regarding Collection of Option Forms of MDM from Zones
Regarding Increase in Number of MDM Samples to be Lifted from Schools
Written Option From Parents of Students of Classes I to VIII of all Govt. / Aided Schools for MDM - Option Forms
Supply of Mid day Meal in the Newly Opened Schools
Intensive and Effective Measures to be Taken Regarding Quality Hygiene and to Ensure the Supply of Mid Day Meal
Intensive and Effective Inspection of Kitchens to Ensure Good Quality of Mid Day Meal
Regarding Supply of MDM w.e.f. 26.06.2010 after the Summer Vacations
Mid Day Meal Supply in the Schools Whose Zone Has Been Changed
List of NGOs Supplying Mid Day Meal w.e.f. 15.01.2010
Sample of MOU Agreement
General Instructions in r/o Mid day Meal
Enhancement of Cooking Cost for Primary and Upper Primary Classes w.e.f. 01.04.2010
Enhancement of Rate of Penalty for Supply of MDM or Non Replacement of Substandard MDM
Regarding Supply of Mid Day Meal in 2010-11